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Tech Bite: Are your Documents in a Relationship?

Did you know you can link documents by creating document relationships or link groups within Laserfiche? Often documents need to be stored in different locations in the repository. Linking documents is a practical way to relate and connect documents; making categorizing and searching a breeze.

Types of Links

1. Document Relationship Links connect two related documents or folders. Here are some examples of documents that could be linked.

  • Invoice – Payment

  • Email – Attachment

  • Agenda – Minutes

  • Expense Report – Receipts

It is important to note that documents can only have a single relationship, meaning that only two documents can be directly connected. However, documents can have as many links as you want. For example, if an email has four attachments, you can create a separate connection to the email for each of the attachments.

The option for linking documents is available within the metadata pane of the document or folder viewer. There is a list of out-of-the-box document relationships available or administrators with the manage links privilege can create custom relationship options in the administration console. However, linking documents does not require special permissions if the user has access to the document.

2. Link Groups are a collection of related documents. Link groups can only include documents, not folders or shortcuts. Another benefit to link groups is that they can be set up directly in the Laserfiche Client, there is no need to access the administration console.

Automate Linking Documents

Creating document links may seem like a tedious process, especially if you have many documents to associate. Workflow can help to maximize efficiency when it comes to linking document by establishing document relationship links automatically. The Workflow creates a seamless way to connect documents within the repository without taking time away from other vital tasks.

Searching and Viewing Links

Often documents are related but need to be stored in separate locations. Linking documents creates a convenient way to access information from one location. An example would be a purchase order and an invoice. While these two documents are related, they are often stored in separate folders and departments.

The Laserfiche search options give users the ability to locate documents with specific links. Search provides a convenient way to access information quickly from a centralized location.

Search for linked documents using the Laserfiche advanced searching options.

From the document viewer, users can see which documents are linked.

Giving users the ability to categorize documents and easily track information with a centralized process is valuable. Consider the documents currently in your organization’s repository. Could linking documents be beneficial for you? Contact the Cities Digital support team if you would like more information on linking documents.

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