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Practical Benefits to Integrating Software Applications with Laserfiche

Most organizations have the desire to align company information technology components with its business goals in order to improve efficiency. Integration allows organizations to leverage their existing processes, people, technology, and information to stay ahead of the competition. Have you ever considered integrating Laserfiche with any other software applications? This article describes some of the benefits of how integrating applications can help to bridge the gap between multiple business functions creating a more streamlined digital environment.

A software integration can be explained as a process of combining two sub-systems into one and ensuring that the sub-systems can function as one system. Connecting these sub-systems into one another without losing valuable information can allow companies to edge out the competition.

The ability to remain competitive is essential to business success, a company can purchase boxed solutions, or have a custom solution developed to meet their exact needs. System integration can save time and money. Since Laserfiche tends to be a significant application within many organizations, continue reading to find out what benefits organizations can experience from implementing an integration.

Challenges of Using Multiple Applications

Choosing several components instead of having an entire system developed may be an affordable way to begin a business. When more tools are constantly being needed to handle additional processes, acquiring new and separate components may be cheaper, but it can also be detrimental to your organization. There are several challenges that may arise from using multiple applications instead of one.

  • Ineffective Data Management – storing data in various places is not only risky it also makes it impossible for an organization to analyze the data properly. Collecting and managing data manually from several systems yields incomplete results.

  • Losing Customers – if an organization is facing issues with the data flow, then client demands are not able to be met. These impacts can be felt throughout the entire organization, from a client needing to see a document that may take hours to track down, payments having to flow through multiple systems or forms that get filled out and then have to be moved or re-keyed into another application.

  • Lack of Productivity – staff are stuck entering data into each of the applications the company uses, instead of beginning new tasks. The entire process wastes hours of work and directly decreases productivity.

  • Inaccurate Reporting – many organizations rely on timely information to make informed decisions. When information is not consistent across applications important decisions may be made with outdated and inaccurate information.

Benefits of Integration

Integration in some capacity is critical for companies to succeed. It ensures a reduction in errors, seamless data connectivity, a centralized solution, and improving the internal workflow of each company. Integrating software applications with your Laserfiche Document Management Solution will allow companies to achieve:

  1. Improved Accessibility - The number of applications that organizations are using seems to be increasing all the time and users are constantly switching between these applications to gather information. Through integration, users have the ability to collect the information that they need all from one application. Consider working within a CRM for example, some integrations like Salesforce and Junxure offer the ability to have Laserfiche embedded directly in the CRM interface. Allowing users to see all of the information for a client within that specific client record, thus eliminating the need to open a separate application. The benefits of more convenient access to documents stored in Laserfiche from one location, instead of having documents spread across multiple applications.

  2. Increased Productivity and Efficiency - Considering all of the applications that are used today, all of the back and forth between applications can consume a lot of time for users. Once an integration is installed users can work from one application, gaining full functionality of Laserfiche within that application. Functions such as importing, exporting, and scanning are easily available, add on the ability to route documents with workflow and a complete solution is achievable giving organizations the ability to streamline processes increasing automation. Additionally, keeping track of information for clients or customers and having it available real-time is a major time saving and value-added benefit for many organizations. The tedious task of duplicating data entry into multiple systems is a thing of the past. These processes can be created with Laserfiche Workflow activities in some instances pushing and pulling data from forms, databases and more.

  3. Better Communication - In this constantly evolving technological world, where communication is a major component of organizations and is key to creating and maintaining positive relationships with clients. Integration can help to improve communication among clients and staff, by creating transparency and increased availability. Documents are readily available for consumers because they are easily accessible and centralized for staff. Through the implementation of certain automation, information is being retrieved more efficiently, documents are moving through processes more quickly, decreasing the amount of redundancy by centralizing information. Companies are implementing mobile options for digital signatures making information available even on the go. Consumers do not have to wait days to get documents to sign by mail or- in person, they can have information sent directly to them.

  4. Centralized System - Eliminate redundancy and store all of your documentation in Laserfiche. Centralizing files increases document security and improves compliance. Documents are easily available and retrievable providing benefits to both the company and clients directly. A centralized solution also increases consistency making reporting and automation a breeze. In addition, departments and staff aren't faced with having to learn an entirely new interface, thus making it an easier and more efficient system.

  5. Cost Savings - Integrating applications, can reduce costs in many areas of a company’s business. The greatest increase can be seen from making more informed decisions from automating tasks, allowing staff more time to develop new skills and foster relationships with existing clients and vendors which will allow business to grow.

What Types of Integrations Does Cities Digital Offer?

Cities Digital offers many boxed integration solutions, that can help to streamline business processes immediately. As well as, custom software development options to help those organizations with unique circumstances that require a more tailored service.

If an integration is needed, but readily available another option that Laserfiche Clients can pursue. The Laserfiche Connector provides a streamlined experience for organizations. It captures information from an existing line of business applications and uses that information to search for documents, assign metadata to entries, screenshot and save pages, scan and import documents, start workflows and Workflow business processes, open websites and applications, and write data to other applications.

A complete list of Cities Digital’s offerings can be found here.

DocuSign Integration with Laserfiche

Junxure Cloud Integration with Laserfiche

Salesforce Integration with Laserfiche

Integrating Laserfiche with other applications is a great way to keep your business

competitive, freeing up time and resources to help your organization grow.

For more information on integrations and to find out if there is a solution that can help improve your organization’s efficiency please contact the Sales Team at Cities Digital.

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