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Tech Bite: Laserfiche 10.3 is here! How to prepare for an update.

Laserfiche 10.3 has been released, this new update boasts many new features and solution enhancements that will improve the user experience and efficiency.

Many organizations may be considering the update to Laserfiche 10.3. The Cities Digital support team has some recommendations on preparing for optimal success with the next update.

It is important to remember that each organization's update is unique. There are some key pieces of information that will be gathered prior to any update. The following points will detail some of the information that the support team will be addressing.

  1. ā€‹ā€‹Is the server OS 64 bit? This is a update requirement for Laserfiche 10.3, The server requires that the OS is 64 bit.

  2. Have any customization's been implemented for the current Laserfiche system? If the organizations current Laserfiche system is utilizing Laserfiche Forms or Workflow and has customization's to the system CSS/Javascript? Cities Digital support staff recommends that those processes are documented prior to the update.

  3. Are there integrations or scripting in place that Cities Digital may not know about? Occasionally, an organization has the SDK and may have a written a custom integration or scripts in house.

  4. Will any servers be migrated? If so, how much data is there? Migrating data can take a very long time and therefore is the prime consideration for the timeline of events.

  5. Will SQL be moved? If so, do we have the service account set up the same way security wise as it was on the older SQL server? This can be a major hold up if the person working with SQL is not available during the update event.

These are just some of the initial questions that the Cities Digital Support team will go through. The support team will request completion of an upgrade request form (see sample) to initiate a software migration or version upgrade.

Once the update request has been received by the support team expect a call to go through all of the necessary information, For planning purposes this call usually takes approximately 30 minutes. The update installation is a FREE service that is included with the customer's Software Assurance Plan from Cities Digital. Contact the Cities Digital Support team to get started with the update to 10.3.

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